Video Throwback Fridays! Backstreet Boys – “I Want It That Way”

May 16, 2014 § Leave a comment


In celebration of the 15th anniversary of their third studio album, Millenium, today’s video throwback is for Backstreet Boys‘ “I Want It That Way.”

The mega single, released in 1999, peaked at the number one spot in numerous countries and was a fan favorite on MTV’s “Total Request Live.”

Head below to relive your childhood boy band craze!

Happy Friday!

My Top 20: The Albums That Have Influenced My Life

July 6, 2011 § 4 Comments

Whenever I speak about music, it is usually from a critical standpoint. I stray away from putting my personal thoughts about music into my writing because I look for a more objective approach. It wasn’t until today, as Britney Spears lyrics ran through my mind, where I realized how greatly music has impacted my life. As a nod to my age (I turn 20 in September) I’ve round up the top 20 albums that have had the most influence throughout my life. They represent specific stages in my life so far, as well showing my growth as a Pop music enthusiast. I think it’s important to note that I actually own hard copies of all these CD’s; most of them are cracked and scratched due to constant overplay. While these albums don’t necessarily reflect my musical taste as a whole (my iTunes library suffers from Borderline Personality Disorder) they are the basis of how I understand, interpret, and love music. Here we go!

20. Mavado: Gangsta for Life (2007)

I grew up with Dancehall & Reggae in my household, so I’ve always had a deep love for listening and supporting Jamaican music. I have a soft spot for Dancehall music, especially from the 90’s, but when Mavado’s debut album dropped in 2007 I was ecstatic. He provided a new sound to Dancehall; his pain-inflicted voice and violent, unforgiving lyrics were a mix that I have never heard before. Mavado is not the typical Jamaican artist; the combination of gun songs, party songs, gospel-influenced songs of this album gave Mavado the perfect stepping stone in becoming one of the greatest Jamaican entertainers of my generation.

Favorite Tracks: Don’t Cry, Amazing Grace, Me & My Dogs

19. Gwen Stefani: Love.Angel.Music.Baby (2004)

As a young kid I always thought No Doubt was a cool band, so when Gwen Stefani released her first solo album I knew it was going to be something special. The album released when I was in 8th grade, a time period where I was beginning to search for the types of music I like. Love.Angel.Music.Baby was a breakthrough for me because I was never exposed to such an eclectic sound before. The album is very 80’s kitsch synth-pop driven; a sound that I’ve grown to love.

Favorite Tracks: Bubble Pop Electric, Danger Zone, Crash

18. Arctic Monkeys: Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not (2006)

I was first introduced to the Arctic Monkeys in the summer of 2006 at Exeter’s summer program; I remember the exhilarating moment like it was yesterday. I was in a friend’s dorm room and we were chatting as her music played. But then this schizophrenic clash of rushing guitar & drums came on, and my ears were immediately intrigued.

I Bet That You Look Good On The Dancefloor was such a different sound for me. I was exposed to alternative/indie rock before, but this was something completely fresh; it was British rock. The album gave me a taste of the British youth: the way they spoke, danced, acted, drank, etc. After hearing WPSIA,IAN, I began to research other modern British bands & fell in love. Now, in 2011, I’m an avid British rock fan 🙂

Favorite Tracks: When the Sun Goes Down, Mardy Bum, Riot Van

17. Ashlee Simpson: Autobiography (2004)

Back in 2004 (when MTV actually cared about music) I watched “The Ashlee Simpson Show”. During the short-lived reality series, Ashlee created her debut album. I was already a fan of the show, so when Autobiography dropped, I quickly bought it. I think I related to her album at the time because it covered themes of pain, yearning for attention, puppy love, finding oneself, etc. At age 12, the year when pre-teens think no one “gets” them, I totally connected to the lyrics of the songs. While I don’t listen to Autobiography as much as I used to, it truly does represent my angst-y stage as I transitioned from kid to teenager.

Favorite Tracks: Love Me For Me, Nothing New, Autobiography

16. Kings of Leon: Aha Shake Heartbreak (2005)

I remember when I first heard Kings of Leon. I was watching the FUSE channel when their video for “Four Kicks” came on. The record was so energetic, bad-ass, and new. In 2005, I was so used to metal and emo-core. So when I stumbled across the Southern band, it came as a breath of fresh air. After hearing the record, I searched for more of the band’s music and fell in love with everything I heard. After six years, I’m still a dedicated fan of the band.

Favorite Tracks: Soft, Four Kicks, Razz

15. Michael Jackson: Bad (1987):

I am a HUGE Michael Jackson fan (I mean, who isn’t?) & I love all of his albums (I mean, who doesn’t?), but I believe I gravitated towards Bad because it found MJ delving more into a rockier, edgier sound. Every single song on this album is distinctive, gritty, fun, intriguing, and timeless. What I love most about the songs is the way that MJ’s vocal range mimic the guitar riffs, the drum beats, and the piano notes. The album highlights his artistry more than any other album, simply because the dirty/glam rock references have more of a capacity to play with than a soulful Motown beat. I know that I’ll be listening to Bad for years to come!

Favorite Tracks: Bad, Another Part of Me, Smooth Criminal

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